Categories / Adult Coloring

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The Calm Coloring Book


$14.99 USD ($19.99 CAD)

  • Pages: 256 pp.
  • Size: 9 x 11
  • FormatPaperback - Flexible plastic/vinyl cover
  • On Sale: January 1, 2016
  • ISBN 13: 9781626866256

Print Activity Sheets

It seems the clock moves faster with every passing day. Work schedules, family activities, and never-ending to-do lists wipe out any hope for quiet time. When do we get to pause and slow down? The Calm Coloring Book will help you find the serenity you crave—a few moments when you can step back from the technology-driven world and enjoy a peaceful experience while you create something of beauty. Coloring is recommended by many health professionals as a way to center your thoughts and lower your blood pressure. Relaxation is in your hands.