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Anatomy of Stretching (eBook)


eBookPrint Book

$10.99 USD ($11.99 CAD)

  • Pages: 160 pp.
  • FormateBook
  • On Sale: June 12, 2012
  • ISBN 13: 9781607105244

It doesn’t matter if you’re a fitness novice or an elite athlete. You should be starting each workout exactly the same way—with a stretching regimen designed to warm up your body and help you achieve a new personal best each time. Without the expertise of a professional trainer and without an expert’s understanding of muscle anatomy, it can be hard to know what exercises are best.
Throughout the book, more than 300 full-color images show every pose and every muscle in detail. A full-size poster is also included. In Anatomy of Stretching, renowned trainer Craig Ramsay shows every exerciser how to get limber and prevent injury.