
Word Search Downloadable

The Perks of Coffee Breaks

January 24, 2017

It’s no secret that coffee helps the world go round. But most people don’t realize how beneficial coffee breaks in the middle of the day are. Being away from your urgent “to-dos” and focusing on something non-work related, whether that be a book, a puzzle, or nothing at all, can help relieve stress and increase productivity.

Coloring and word searches are both great ways to exercise your brain and your creativity while diminishing stress and anxiety. Word searches help improve vocabulary and pattern recognition, while coloring is a therapeutic way to put your mind at ease. So, next time you pause to take a quick break and a long sip of joe, enjoy our downloadable word search and coloring page too!

Twice the entertainment for your money! These four titles are filled with word search puzzles to keep your mental skills sharp, and coloring pages to help you relax. All ages will find these books equally entertaining, and the series features four themed titles: Calm, Flowers, Nature, and Vintage.

Order all four copies now!